November Reminders
Hello everyone,
The end of year is fast approaching which means it’s nearly time for our Christmas break up. The Santa gymkhana, AGM and break up party will be held on Saturday 2nd December. More details will be sent out soon once finalised. Due to the date of the break up and many members being away the November muster will be cancelled.
Event results for end of year trophies must be submitted by next Friday 10th November in time for the next committee meeting. This is for any official pony club events you have attended. These are to be entered on the Runcorn Pony Club website under Runcorn Event Page -> Submit Competition Results. Any results submitted after this time will not be counted.
For everyone who has ordered a new muster shirt these have been ordered. If you haven’t already please pay your $50 into the pony club bank account. I will also be placing an order soon for formal vests and ties so keep an eye out for that email. This way everyone can start the new year with new uniforms and saddle pads!