Each year the Club elects a number of officials to run the club for the following year.
They are all volunteers, and give of their time freely to make Runcorn the great club that it is.

Michelle Milzewski
Michelle’s e-Mail
Mobile: 0400 017 189

Geoff Vaschina
Vice- President
Geoff’s eMail
Mobile: 0417 077 242

Isabella Maddison
eMail: Secretary’s eMail
Mobile: 0447 530 062

Amanda Taylor
Treasurer’s Email
Phone: 0419 202 127

Raewyn Christison
Canteen Convener
Raewyn’s eMail:
Phone: 0404 665 488

Vicki Horn
Agistment Officer
Viki’s e-Mail
Mobile: 0403 432-483

Sine Madden
Committee Member
Sine’s eMail
Mobile: 0411 152 061

Ross Smith
Committee Member
Ross’s eMail
Mobile: 0419 651 707

Sam Leigh Cooper
Committee Member
Sam’s eMail
Mobile: 0400 017 189

Maree Forrest
Chief Instructor
Maree’s eMail
Mobile: 0438 716 975